An article published in International Organizations Law Review, 12 (2015) 237-278.
This text describes the privileges and immunities legal framework of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. This legal regime shows a certain complexity derived for the peculiar character of a disarmament and verification institution, whose intrusiveness poses many challenges to States Parties, particularly on the privileges and immunities of inspection teams and the protection of confidential information. The OPCW managed to protect its privileges and immunities adequately, without almost no legal conflicts both at the domestic and international level. The disputes settlement mechanisms play an important role in providing ways to avoid legal controversies.
International Organizations Law Review, 12 (2015)
An abridged version of this text has been published in: August Reinisch (editor): "The Conventions on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations and its Specialized Agencies. A Commentary", Oxford University Press, 2016.